Visit the monthly flea market in Bombarral and support our Amigo Fiel shelter dogs. Please donate items to sell at the market and raise funds to feed our dogs and pay for veterinary care.
Monthly Market on the 23rd! Read More »
Visit the monthly flea market in Bombarral and support our Amigo Fiel shelter dogs. Please donate items to sell at the market and raise funds to feed our dogs and pay for veterinary care.
Monthly Market on the 23rd! Read More »
A veterinary nursing student from Denmark reflects on her experience as a volunteer at Amigo Fiel dog shelter in Bombarral, Portugal.
A veterinary nurse student shares her experience volunteering at Amigo Fiel Read More »
Association Amigo Fiel’s latest project connects rescue dogs with struggling teens. Together they create magical moments and form bonds.
An Amazing New Project Read More »
Meet the newest dogs at our shelter in Bombarral, Portugal. We have dogs of all ages and personality types. You are sure to find the perfect dog for your family.
Meet our new Arrivals! Read More »
Hero was rescued from a life of neglect on a short chain in central Portugal. After intense veterinary care AND more than a year in the shelter, he was finally adopted to a happy home in Holland.
Watch as our shelter dogs in Portugal go crazy testing out their new toys. Veja como os nossos cães de abrigo se divertem a testar os seus novos brinquedos.
Shelter Dogs Test Toys/Testadores oficiais de brinquedos Read More »
Please support our animal shelter by purchasing supplies. We need dog food, cleaning supplies, plastic dog houses, blankets, towels and medical supplies.
Donation Shopping List Read More »
Resumo 2022 Ao chegarmos ao fim de mais um ano, quisemos tirar um momento para reflectir sobre tudo o que realizámos como abrigo de animais. Embora tenha sido um ano desafiante, com muitos altos e baixos, estamos orgulhosos de ter resgatado e cuidado de inúmeros cães necessitados. Estamos especialmente gratos a todos os nossos apoiantes
Each year, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome hundreds of dogs from Portugal. Our shelter is struggling to cover expenses. If you are in a position to help, please support our association and the dogs we serve.
Caminhadas Solidarias Hoje os nossos cães do abrigo tiveram a oportunidade de se juntar aos passeios solidários de Natal.Obrigado ao Rui Barros/ Pet Nanny e ao seu grupo de treino pelas suas doações e apoio no passeio nas Caldas.Obrigado ao grupo de treino de Cães do Oeste pelas suas doações e apoio no passeio na