Lucky’s amazing journey from rescue to recovery from amputation surgery and finally a happy home.
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Lucky’s amazing journey from rescue to recovery from amputation surgery and finally a happy home.
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Hoje é um dia muito feliz… conseguimos finalmente capturar uma cadela que há meses andávamos a tentar… o nosso agradecimento aos Bombeiros Voluntários do Bombarral, ao nosso veterinário, Dr. Pedro Carvalho e, toda a equipa da Associação O amigo fiel e outros voluntários que se juntaram a nós Today is a very happy day… we’ve
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5 adorable puppies are ready for adoption in Bombarral on Portugal’s Silver Coast. Are you ready to commit to becoming a responsible pet parent? If so get in touch and make an appointment to visit our dog shelter. We’re just a 15 minute drive from Caldas da Rainha.
SUSHI: Do abandono à milagrosa recuperação O sobrevivente Este cão foi abandonado no caixote do lixo junto a um restaurante de sushi local. O Sushi estava severamente subnutrido e a lutar pela vida. Ele necessitava urgentemente de cuidados médicos. Gradualmente, o Sushi foi recuperando o peso e as forças. Ele aprendeu o que significa ser
As 2023 comes to a close, we at Amigo Fiel are thrilled to share with you our end of the year recap. This year, we rescued a whopping 113 dogs and were able to find loving homes for 96 of them! We couldn’t have done it without the support of our amazing members, volunteers, adoption
Bart’s Rescue & Recovery Bart is a 10-year-old rescue dog who has captured the hearts of everyone at our animal shelter. When he was found on the streets, he was so malnourished that he had a stomach full of sticks and stones. It was clear that he had been living a life of hardship and
Support Amigo Fiel dogs by visiting our stand at the Bombarral monthly market or purchasing items from our Facebook Marketplace page.
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Rescuing a stray animal is never easy. It requires patience, dedication, and a whole lot of trust-building. Volunteers spent countless hours trying to gain Balu’s trust, leaving food and water out for him, and slowly building a rapport with him. Despite his injuries and the pain he was in, Balu began to trust these humans who were so determined to help him.
Arturo’s journey is one that will touch your heart and inspire your soul. This lovable rescue dog was almost at death’s door when he was discovered by the volunteers at Amigo Fiel. He was starving and in dire need of medical attention. Thankfully, he was in the right hands and received the care he needed
Some dogs spend months or even years at the shelter. These dogs are often make the most loving and loyal pets. Please consider adopting one of our long stay dogs.
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